Part Time Vegan

Kristin and I have had this running joke for a while that we wanted to make sweatshirts like the Beyoncé "Kale" ones, only they would say "Part Time Vegan." And then we decided to actually make them, and we made some totes too, and now it's maybe kind of a thing?

Smoking Cloves

Walking through a college campus, I always smell a hint of cloves. I can't help but be surprised that people still smoke them -- I was similarly surprised to discover people smoked them at all. The first time I encountered clove cigarettes, in the first few furious days of freshman year, I thought they might …

The Pixies

Whenever I hear anything by the Pixies, I am immediately taken back to being 16 years old, when I was a wannabe music nerd and my 21-year-old cousin – a real music nerd who was in a band in high school and now DJs cool parties when he's not being an award-winning photographer – whom …