Street Suitors

Okay guys, time for our first ever officially interactive post! Get excited. I'm quite familiar - as are those of you who followed my blog in the first half of 2009 - with the Indian/Southeast Asian man's way of treating women, particularly foreign ones, on the street. I imagine it's also similar to that in …

Metro Stories

I hate getting behind on blog updates. As soon as things start to happen, you tell yourself you can't post about them until you've covered the stuff that came before, and then, next thing you know, you've found a job (at a documentary film production company), you put a deposit on an apartment, your boyfriend …


Often, we find ourselves sliding backwards, if you will. We think we're moving forward with jobs/apartments, only to find a new hurdle appear that tries to send us falling backwards. The last few weeks have been about learning to deal with these beat-downs and circumvent them. At the moment, though, come Sunday, we have nowhere …